I Heart Fall

I woke up this morning to it being 64 degrees in my house... Why you might ask? Because we don't want to turn the heat on and waist precious fuel and Brad wasn't around for me to ask if we could start the wood stove up yet. So in esence I am saying....I guess it is my fault! ;) What is a girl to do!
PS: No worrys though...I put a heater in Sammie Girls room, so when I went in there this morning it was nice and toasty warm!

Toasty.....toasty marshmellows! I wish I was under a toasty blanket with a cup of hot and toasty apple cider! mmmmmm

Anywho! I think we need to chop a lot more wood if I am going to stay toasty warm all winter long!


  1. I think the coldest our house has been so far is 62 degrees. Of course it feels AWESOME with all this extra blood pumping through me. I much prefer 62 to 92! No heat for us until baby!

  2. 62 is the coldest we've had too, but I love it! Especially at night :) We don't plan on turning our heat on anytime soon!