
Let's just take a moment to admire the little one who is growing in me. I must say that I do this several times a day. How can you not believe in God when you have the most amazing thing growing inside of you!

The Secret

Daughters always ask their mom " How will I know when I meet the right one" and mom's always respond "You will just know" Now for those of you reading this blog I am going to share with you my secret of how you will know when you meet the "one".

I have been with Brad for over 6 years now and have been married for over 2. I didn't know instantly that he was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. It took some time. It is not like an instant look across the room and you know. But here is what I do know about how you know when you meet the one.

There is one big thing that you know will tell you and several some things that reveal them selves over time to let you know. There are only three people in this world that I know would do anything, literally anything, to save my Dad, my Mom and Brad. I honestly feel that if I was held hostage they would give their lives to save me. There aren't many people that you can say that about. I'm not saying that the rest of the people in my life don't love me with all their hearts. I'm just saying that if it came done to them living or me living what would they choose?

This is the main reason I feel so ridiculously safe with Brad.

The other reasons...
He will go done to the grocery store at 10:00pm and get you popsicles because you can't stop crying.
He always takes the window seat flying because it makes me nausea.
He lays on the couch with you when you are sick or pregnant and being extremely needy even though he is secretly in pain wanting to do anything else.
Thinks of your stubbornness* as an asset and not a flaw.
After six years of being together, every night he still asks for sex, thinks your sexy(even while pregnant), and kisses you good bye in the morning while you are half a sleep.

*I may be one of the most stubborn people you will know, but once I have my mind set on something that is the way it is. Once I believe you can do anything Brad, which I do, no one else can tell me different. And always know that I do believe that you can accomplist whatever you set you mind too!