Sometimes it is hard to find the silver lining...

Okay so I was suppose to get my monthly friend on Friday the 9Th, but I didn't. Not normal by any means...I get every 28 days, almost down to the hour. Let me rewind a little here....

I have been feeling like CRAP for the past two weeks or so. Nausea, extremely exhausted all the time, no amount of sleep would make me feel better, back aches, stomach crapping. Fun! Well all these things got me to thinking I was pregnant. By Wednesday my period hadn't come and I felt the worse yet. I went home an hour early and took a pregnancy test...negative...well that is okay maybe it was to early. Well Thursday morning was worst with nauseousness...crapping was bad, all over my abdomen...I got my period...big disappointment.

I was thinking to myself...shit this isn't normal...I know my body, it is never late unless something is wrong. I had a doctor appointment this morning. Told them everything that was going on and they wanted me to take pregnancy test...and I quote "it is going to come negative, i just took one" They insisted that I take one...shocker...negative...well I had Nurse Practitioner there so she gave a pelvic exam...

Cyst...again...she could feel it...I know my body... Well this is a huge disappointment, not that I am not pregnant, I know it will happen when it is right and all that other good stuff. Having my period come a week late is messing up when I ovulate. It is going to make it harder for me to get pregnant. And on top of it all, every time I think I am getting a cyst they want me to come in so they can keep track of how often I am getting. This isn't a normal thing to happen to the body. If I keep getting them they want to remove my ovary...MY in the hell is that going to help me get pregnant.

My silver least it is happening on the same ovary and since it is harder to figure out when you are ovulating, the doctor says it is a good idea to have sex everyday...Brad is a very lucky man...and that is what I told my doctor!

All I need is a little hope and prayer...I am very glad that I have god in my life.

New Year...New Start I haven't been the best at keeping up on my blog. I don't really have an excuse as to why, but I like to blame it on the fact that I don't have the internet at home! I know, no internet, what am I living in 1900' feels like it sometimes.

So this year I have actually made some goals for the year and not those impossible ones that everyone make and not to loose weight.

1. To make dinner more often for my husband. I am not the best at cooking, hamburger helper stumps me. I just can't seem to get it down! I made this goal because Brad does almost all the cooking. I don't think this is fair to him (even though he is better at it). He works hard, two jobs and making sure that are house stays warm. We have a wood stove and it is a lot of up keep. We started out with 14 cord and they are almost gone, so he is constently chopping wood whenver he has the spare time. He really is a great husband! Also I want to be the mom who cooks for my kids, does the bake sales. I WANT to be that mom!

2. To have sex more often...I know, OMG she is talking about sex for everyone to read. I am really really lazy. I would much rather go to bed than have sex. It is not that I don't enjoy sex, i do, and Brad is really selfless when it comes to sex. So I discussed this Brad and he agreed to doing more little things to put me in the candles or music or a note in my car. I really do think that he will do this and that it will help.

Now these may not seem like much for New Year's resolutions but I made them realistic and important to me, that way I stick to them. I love my husband more than he will ever know! He is a great provider for me!