
I had my 31 week appointment with Dr. Susa yesterday. Everything is fantastic with Samantha. Her heartbeat is 133! He also got me in for a free ultrasound so I could see her! She is adorable of course, as if you had any doubts! Susa took all her measurements and she is actually running a week ahead of me at 32 weeks and 3 days and I am at 31 weeks and 2 days. Maybe she will be on time...keep your fingers crossed! What else....She is in weighing in at 4lbs 3oz, which is right on track to be an 8lb baby. Whoa... pushing that out....sounds fun! I am weighing in at 175. It sounds HUGE...but I have gained less than 25 lbs, which is a perfect pregnancy! I will be going every 2 weeks so look for more updates on Samantha!


Life has been pretty crazy lately. There has been so much going on and so much to do that it seems hard to keep up with everything. It has been a while since I posted so let me talk about my baby shower that I had on November 8th. It was hosted by my mom, Megan, and Pam. They did an awesome job with everything from the food to the decorations. There were tons of people there. I think I had to write out a total of 37 thank you cards (which I am still working on). I got tons of stuff for Samantha. Everything was adorable! Also on the 8th was the start of childbirth class. It goes for 5 weeks. It is on Sunday from 6:30 to 9:15 and the class is jam pack for the whole time with information. There was so much that I didn't know and I am glad that we spent the money to take the class. I was actually quite surprised because 3 couples in the class are from Woodville, what is the odds of that. Then there is one couple from Woodbury who is completely snobby and 2 couples from Hudson. There was suppose to be a teen couple as well but they never showed. I haven't been going to Mondays lately either. I have been just too tired with staying out late on Sundays. Everyday I go home, make dinner if it is my turn :), and sit on the couch. I don't move for anything unless I have to go to the bathroom. Brad is pretty wonderful about getting stuff for me and he does it all with a smile most of the time! The back is gets pretty unbearable some days that I could just cry. The weakness is getting better to manage though! I have less than 9 weeks to go, if she comes on time. statistics show that they average first pregnancy is a week late. A WEEK.... I don't know if I can go an extra week with the back pain.
Life is busy till the due date though.....
11/27---Black Friday shopping with Mom and Megan
11/28--Max's hockey game
11/29--Caitlin's baby shower and childbirth class
12/4--Max's hockey game
12/5--Max's hockey game
12/6--Max's hockey game and childbirth class
12/11--Reigstad's holiday party
I actually think I have weekend off for now!
12/24--Christmas eve!
12/27--Max's hockey game
12/31--new year's Year
1/2--Brad's Birthday
Then after that several more hockey games and planning Megan's baby shower
1/25---Due Date

I am sure that I left some things out! But that is all for now!