What's new...

I know, I know...it has been a long time since I posted anything to my blog. So what is new in my life. Lots I guess. Brad and I have done a lot around the house this month to prepare for the little one on the way. I finally finished painting the room and it looks wonderful. But no one can see it until it is completely finished. Brad is half way done with firring in the basement. He tore off the north and west side on the siding on the house and put tyvek and more insulation on the house and the had to put the siding back on. He added gutters the east and west on the house. All the while making sure that we get plenty off wood chopped and stacked in the basement. and I believe that he still has some chopping to do actually. We went through a lot of wood last year. This winter I am sure that we will go through even more. Ummm.. what else. Beginning of August went up to my parents cabin with all my friends and enjoyed it for the most part. Then i didn't see them again till this past Monday and found out they all went out with out even asking if I wanted to go. I know that I can't drink, I mean won't drink, while I am pregnant but I thought it would just be nice to be asked, after all I am their friend right. Got a shocker of a surprise this past weekend. A good shocker of a surprise. It will be just a matter of time until everyone knows. Been having lots of looking at all the baby stuff. Didn't realize I needed so much. We found a daycare we really like and at a decent price and then last night found out a friend of the family is starting a daycare and offered us an amazing deal that is hard to say no too. I think that highlights the majority of what has been going on. I know there has been more but i guess if you talk to me you know the rest!


  1. So what's the suprise? I never get to talk to you or see you and I'm so out of the loop :( I'm never asked either but I guess that's because I live an hour away :(