Lazy October Sunday Afternoons
This past Sunday was wonderful. The weather was beautiful and the slow pace at home was awesome. Brad and I splept til 8:30, made pancakes together, well almost together, I set out the butter and syrup!! Then we bumbed around the house, I cleaned, he worked on something in the basement. Then we carved some pumpkins together. He gutted them for me and I carved out the designs. I was great teamwork! When he was done with that he went outside to rake up the apples and to bring them out to his deer stand in the woods. I came out just in time for him to ask me of I wanted to come along!!! It was very nice to go out in to the woods, get the trail stuck, laugh and joke about it and have a good time. Did I mention that the weather was beautiful! The woods was very beautiful, the colors and all the fallen leaves. I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon in October than that!
Posted in: on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at at 12:57 PM
aww aren't your pumkins cute! Phil and I were supposed to carve pumpkins on Sunday too but we were to lazy...
sounds like you had a nice relaxing time!