Eventful Monday
So yesterday was a very eventful day for me and not all good either. So my morning started out like usually, I got had my bowl of cereal before I did anything else. I have gotten in the routine of doing this because I get very weak in the morning and have already collapsed in the shower once. scary I know. Anyways....I went about my normal routine getting ready and I was feeling fine until i was ready to put the dogs in their kennels. I started to feel faint, clammy, weak and sweaty. I know these signs very well so I had another bowl of cereal. After eating that i started to feel better so I went on my way to work, already running behind, I brought two gronala bars with me and my lemon heads trying to get mt blood sugar levels back up, but on my way into work it hit me. The weakness, clamminess, tiredness, sweaty, and neaseasness. I sat in my car for a few minutes to catch my breathe and started walking in very slowly. When I got to my desk I went to sit down and I collapesed right there. I started crying, i didn't think anyone heard me, so I tried to pull myself up and tell myself to suck it up, but then Ali came over and I lost it. I couldn't ignore the symptoms and I was scared for the baby. She brought me over to the ER (thank god I work in a Hospital). I could barely carry myself, Ali probably carried most of my weight. I went straight into a room in the ER and they hooked me up all the while just crying. They took my blod pressure which was 144/90 and high for me. Then they took my glucose level which was really high for at 157 because of all the food I was cramming in my system on the drive in. I couldn't stop shaking, crying. I was clammy, hot and cold at the same time. It was aweful. Ali called Brad for me and he was there within a half an hour. I could tell he was scarred. You can always tell in his eyes! I was in the Er for 3 hours. They tried four different times to get an IV in to me and after that they finally had lab come draw some blood. My arms are all bruised up and hurt and are unbelievable sore. It hurts to lift anything. Since they couldn't get an IV in me I laid there and ate toast and drank water until my color started coming back and my strength. Amanda let me have the rest of the day off and i was grateful. I slept from noon to two, until we had to leave for my OBGYN appointment.
Now this was my first appointment with Dr. Susa. I just love Dr. Susa. He is very down to earth and I am very comfortable around him. Which is a good thing since he has to look at my vagina several times throughout this pregnancy! We got to listen to the babies heart beat which was the most amazing thing in the world. Dr. Susa said he had a hard time finding it since the baby would sit still at all. You could actually hear the whooshing noise of the baby moving around. IT was amazing. He was also able to get me in for a free ultrasound. The baby is so big. You could actually count the fingers on little hand. I have a bunch of picture that he printed off for me. IT is the most wonderful thing in the world to see the little baby inside of you and know that everything you are experiencing is for the little baby!
Posted in: on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at at 11:01 AM
Glad to hear you and the baby are okay. You scared me there!
Oh jeeze Rachel, that's so scary! I hope that doesn't happen to you again.
whew, glad that you are ok! it's weird hearing about things when you are so far away and can't do anything to help :(