Happy Birthday Baby!
Posted in: on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at at 1:28 PM 0 comments
I am officially in the last month of pregnancy and I hate it. It is just so exhausting and uncomfortable and painful. I know people tell you the last month is the worst but seriously, this bad, is not what I expected. I have had a few meltdowns, which I think are to be expected since I am pregnant and Brad has handled them all great! I am just so excited, anxious, nervous, and overwhelmed all at the same time it was inevitable that I would have the breakdowns. It is nice to know that Brad is feeling the same too. I am constantly tired. I sleep like crap because I so uncomfortable. Though since she has dropped a little more I can breathe a little easier at night.
I had my 36 week checkup today with Dr. Susa and of course everything is great. I am topping in at 180 lbs, which puts me at a weight gain of 30 lbs. Not bad for always eating like a pig :) Samantha's heartbeat is 144 and she is constantly active. I feel like she never sleeps! Dr. Susa did an exam and she is the head down position pushing on my cervix. He said my cervix is very soft, which is excellent! All the more ready to dilate! The Braxton Hicks contractions are happening more frequently which I know means the real thing is soon going to happen. Also my stomach measured in at 37 cm, which correlates with how far along the baby is, which is another thing that says she is running a head of schedule! Thank god!
Posted in: on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Last Wednesday I had my melt down. I just started crying. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted Samantha out. And not because I am anxious to see but because I can't take the pregnancy anymore. I more fatigued than I was during the first few months pregnancy. Along with that I can't sleep because I can't get comfortable or I have to get up and pee or because she is jambing one her limbs somewhere. 7 of 10 times when she is shoving her limbs it actually hurts, not uncomfortable, it hurts. I am all stomach and it isn't growing anymore but she is and she is running out of room. I JUST WANT HER OUT.
On a good note...she is already dropping and has been for a week. Now the statistics normally say that for a first pregnancy this won't happen until 2-3 weeks before due date. So this means she is running 2 weeks ahead. Also with my last ultrasound Samantha's size was a week a head of schedule too! So Mom and me are thinking that she will be here more like the middle of January than the end!
Posted in: on Monday, December 21, 2009 at at 1:55 PM 3 comments
I had my 31 week appointment with Dr. Susa yesterday. Everything is fantastic with Samantha. Her heartbeat is 133! He also got me in for a free ultrasound so I could see her! She is adorable of course, as if you had any doubts! Susa took all her measurements and she is actually running a week ahead of me at 32 weeks and 3 days and I am at 31 weeks and 2 days. Maybe she will be on time...keep your fingers crossed! What else....She is in weighing in at 4lbs 3oz, which is right on track to be an 8lb baby. Whoa... pushing that out....sounds fun! I am weighing in at 175. It sounds HUGE...but I have gained less than 25 lbs, which is a perfect pregnancy! I will be going every 2 weeks so look for more updates on Samantha!
Posted in: on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Life has been pretty crazy lately. There has been so much going on and so much to do that it seems hard to keep up with everything. It has been a while since I posted so let me talk about my baby shower that I had on November 8th. It was hosted by my mom, Megan, and Pam. They did an awesome job with everything from the food to the decorations. There were tons of people there. I think I had to write out a total of 37 thank you cards (which I am still working on). I got tons of stuff for Samantha. Everything was adorable! Also on the 8th was the start of childbirth class. It goes for 5 weeks. It is on Sunday from 6:30 to 9:15 and the class is jam pack for the whole time with information. There was so much that I didn't know and I am glad that we spent the money to take the class. I was actually quite surprised because 3 couples in the class are from Woodville, what is the odds of that. Then there is one couple from Woodbury who is completely snobby and 2 couples from Hudson. There was suppose to be a teen couple as well but they never showed. I haven't been going to Mondays lately either. I have been just too tired with staying out late on Sundays. Everyday I go home, make dinner if it is my turn :), and sit on the couch. I don't move for anything unless I have to go to the bathroom. Brad is pretty wonderful about getting stuff for me and he does it all with a smile most of the time! The back is gets pretty unbearable some days that I could just cry. The weakness is getting better to manage though! I have less than 9 weeks to go, if she comes on time. statistics show that they average first pregnancy is a week late. A WEEK.... I don't know if I can go an extra week with the back pain.
Life is busy till the due date though.....
11/27---Black Friday shopping with Mom and Megan
11/28--Max's hockey game
11/29--Caitlin's baby shower and childbirth class
12/4--Max's hockey game
12/5--Max's hockey game
12/6--Max's hockey game and childbirth class
12/11--Reigstad's holiday party
I actually think I have weekend off for now!
12/24--Christmas eve!
12/27--Max's hockey game
12/31--new year's Year
1/2--Brad's Birthday
Then after that several more hockey games and planning Megan's baby shower
1/25---Due Date
I am sure that I left some things out! But that is all for now!
Posted in: on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Posted in: on Friday, October 30, 2009 at at 1:01 PM 3 comments
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love decorating for it! I think it is my favorite holiday because it is the one between my two favorite seasons...fall and winter! Those seasons are just so pretty to look at! This year I reluctently gave up my annual Halloween party after much debate with Brad. He wanted me to do it since it is my favorite Holiday. He offered to help set up and clean up and deal with all the drunks in case I get to frustrated! I gave it up anyways. Luckily Josh and Lynsie are having one so I still get to at least participate in the celebration! This got me thinking though...I probably won't be having Halloween parties for several years. And I probably won't have my annual cabin-friend get away in August either. Why you ask so curiously...because I have a baby on the way and all those things will have to change! It is all for a good reason. She will be the highlight of Brad and mine's life! We will want to save our money for family getaways. Brad remembers all the time's he had those getaways with his family and my family goes up to the cabin several times in the summer. Those will be the things she remembers! I know that Brad and I will need time to ourselves, but then Grandma and Grandpa can watch Sammantha! And in a year or so my friends will be getting married and having babies themselves!
Posted in: on Friday, October 16, 2009 at at 10:23 AM 1 comments
Posted in: on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at at 1:03 PM 2 comments
Daughters always ask their mom " How will I know when I meet the right one" and mom's always respond "You will just know" Now for those of you reading this blog I am going to share with you my secret of how you will know when you meet the "one".
I have been with Brad for over 6 years now and have been married for over 2. I didn't know instantly that he was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. It took some time. It is not like an instant look across the room and you know. But here is what I do know about how you know when you meet the one.
There is one big thing that you know will tell you and several some things that reveal them selves over time to let you know. There are only three people in this world that I know would do anything, literally anything, to save my life...my Dad, my Mom and Brad. I honestly feel that if I was held hostage they would give their lives to save me. There aren't many people that you can say that about. I'm not saying that the rest of the people in my life don't love me with all their hearts. I'm just saying that if it came done to them living or me living what would they choose?
This is the main reason I feel so ridiculously safe with Brad.
The other reasons...
He will go done to the grocery store at 10:00pm and get you popsicles because you can't stop crying.
He always takes the window seat flying because it makes me nausea.
He lays on the couch with you when you are sick or pregnant and being extremely needy even though he is secretly in pain wanting to do anything else.
Thinks of your stubbornness* as an asset and not a flaw.
After six years of being together, every night he still asks for sex, thinks your sexy(even while pregnant), and kisses you good bye in the morning while you are half a sleep.
*I may be one of the most stubborn people you will know, but once I have my mind set on something that is the way it is. Once I believe you can do anything Brad, which I do, no one else can tell me different. And always know that I do believe that you can accomplist whatever you set you mind too!
Posted in: on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at at 10:26 AM 2 comments
I know, I know...it has been a long time since I posted anything to my blog. So what is new in my life. Lots I guess. Brad and I have done a lot around the house this month to prepare for the little one on the way. I finally finished painting the room and it looks wonderful. But no one can see it until it is completely finished. Brad is half way done with firring in the basement. He tore off the north and west side on the siding on the house and put tyvek and more insulation on the house and the had to put the siding back on. He added gutters the east and west on the house. All the while making sure that we get plenty off wood chopped and stacked in the basement. and I believe that he still has some chopping to do actually. We went through a lot of wood last year. This winter I am sure that we will go through even more. Ummm.. what else. Beginning of August went up to my parents cabin with all my friends and enjoyed it for the most part. Then i didn't see them again till this past Monday and found out they all went out with out even asking if I wanted to go. I know that I can't drink, I mean won't drink, while I am pregnant but I thought it would just be nice to be asked, after all I am their friend right. Got a shocker of a surprise this past weekend. A good shocker of a surprise. It will be just a matter of time until everyone knows. Been having lots of looking at all the baby stuff. Didn't realize I needed so much. We found a daycare we really like and at a decent price and then last night found out a friend of the family is starting a daycare and offered us an amazing deal that is hard to say no too. I think that highlights the majority of what has been going on. I know there has been more but i guess if you talk to me you know the rest!
Posted in: on Thursday, August 27, 2009 at at 1:14 PM 1 comments
I have nothing else to say expect that I am ridiculously tired at the moment... And I miss my friends who I haven't seen since the beginning of August....And, I guess I have more to say but will do it later because I am crabby at the moment!
Posted in: on Thursday, August 20, 2009 at at 7:44 AM 2 comments
Posted in: on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Yesterday my mom and me went shopping up in Woodbury. I wanted to price out baby furniture and the other necessities that we are going to need. When I went to pick up mom, my dad told me that he wants me to pick out a crib that I like and he will pay for it. He said that it had to be new and not used! So one the one pictured above is the one I got from Target. It was steal and in the perfect color too! Brad and I were given a dresser by his grandma and it was a dark wood so i wanted to make sure that crib was a dark wood also. The color is called esspresso. I can hardley wait to paint now...i have all the colors picked out! I am so excited.
Along with getting the crib, I need some shirts and a pair of dress paints to wear to work and let me tell you....the pants are AWESOME!!! the feel like I am wearing comfy pants, I could wear them everyday! It was weird trying on the shirts though...it seems like I am never going to fill out the shirt. It was hard spending the money on them when I plan on only being pregnant once since we are adopting our second child.
Anyways, I had a great day shopping with my mom!
Posted in: on Monday, July 27, 2009 at at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Thursday, July 16, 2009 at at 10:31 AM 3 comments
Posted in: on at at 8:15 AM 0 comments
So yesterday was a very eventful day for me and not all good either. So my morning started out like usually, I got had my bowl of cereal before I did anything else. I have gotten in the routine of doing this because I get very weak in the morning and have already collapsed in the shower once. scary I know. Anyways....I went about my normal routine getting ready and I was feeling fine until i was ready to put the dogs in their kennels. I started to feel faint, clammy, weak and sweaty. I know these signs very well so I had another bowl of cereal. After eating that i started to feel better so I went on my way to work, already running behind, I brought two gronala bars with me and my lemon heads trying to get mt blood sugar levels back up, but on my way into work it hit me. The weakness, clamminess, tiredness, sweaty, and neaseasness. I sat in my car for a few minutes to catch my breathe and started walking in very slowly. When I got to my desk I went to sit down and I collapesed right there. I started crying, i didn't think anyone heard me, so I tried to pull myself up and tell myself to suck it up, but then Ali came over and I lost it. I couldn't ignore the symptoms and I was scared for the baby. She brought me over to the ER (thank god I work in a Hospital). I could barely carry myself, Ali probably carried most of my weight. I went straight into a room in the ER and they hooked me up all the while just crying. They took my blod pressure which was 144/90 and high for me. Then they took my glucose level which was really high for at 157 because of all the food I was cramming in my system on the drive in. I couldn't stop shaking, crying. I was clammy, hot and cold at the same time. It was aweful. Ali called Brad for me and he was there within a half an hour. I could tell he was scarred. You can always tell in his eyes! I was in the Er for 3 hours. They tried four different times to get an IV in to me and after that they finally had lab come draw some blood. My arms are all bruised up and hurt and are unbelievable sore. It hurts to lift anything. Since they couldn't get an IV in me I laid there and ate toast and drank water until my color started coming back and my strength. Amanda let me have the rest of the day off and i was grateful. I slept from noon to two, until we had to leave for my OBGYN appointment.
Now this was my first appointment with Dr. Susa. I just love Dr. Susa. He is very down to earth and I am very comfortable around him. Which is a good thing since he has to look at my vagina several times throughout this pregnancy! We got to listen to the babies heart beat which was the most amazing thing in the world. Dr. Susa said he had a hard time finding it since the baby would sit still at all. You could actually hear the whooshing noise of the baby moving around. IT was amazing. He was also able to get me in for a free ultrasound. The baby is so big. You could actually count the fingers on little hand. I have a bunch of picture that he printed off for me. IT is the most wonderful thing in the world to see the little baby inside of you and know that everything you are experiencing is for the little baby!
Posted in: on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at at 11:01 AM 3 comments
So lately is seems like everything and everyone is pissing me off. Yes, pissing me off. I say one thing and it is like no one heard me. The only thing that makes me feel better is lounging on the couch with Brad. BUT NOOOO...he is outside doing whatever it is Brad does outside. I know he hates sitting inside with me when it is nice outside, but sometimes babe you just have to cave and sit inside with me okay! Let me tell you about what has pissed me off this week...
First I had a wonderful day to myself at home on Monday ( I took the day off) Did a little laundry, some dishes, but just basicly sat around on the couch with my puppies. Wonderful! Then at 5:30 I left to go over to Walton's for our weekly get together. Everything was goin great, super was delicious, then someone said "let's go on a walk" Oh crap....now I am not lazy, I just tire out sooner and when i go on walk with Brad it is a slower pace. I specifically said "not our normal long walk please"...guess what....long walk. My heart starts to race and I can feel it in my stomach like that is where my heart is. I do not like that feeling. It makes me nervous and uncomfortable and it is hard to breathe. yes, I could have said something but i already said not a long walk...no one listened. This is why I took myself out of the rotation. I will only be going when i feel up to parr. Now don't get me wrong...Jewells walked in the back of the pack with me and a slower rate but i think she is the only one who is going to have patience with me through this. I love all my friends, every single one of them just the way they are. but everything is pissing me off right now.
Second...Brad yells at me last night about the remote...the stupid remote. It wasn't turning the TV on and off, but everything else worked. So i told him to change the batteries.Well that was the stupidest idea he has ever heard of. He was literally yelling at me. This pissed me off. Well guess who was right...ME. Maybe next time he will listen!
Posted in: on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Baby's Development
How your baby's growing:Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
Mom's Development
If you're like most women, you're feeling a bit more energetic now and your nausea may be starting to wane. Unfortunately, you may also be suffering from constipation (caused by hormonal changes, which can slow digestion) and heartburn (hormones again, relaxing the valve between your stomach and esophagus). Just remember, all this discomfort is for a good cause.Don't worry if nausea has made it impossible for you to eat a wide variety of healthy foods or if you haven't put on much weight yet (most women gain just 2 to 5 pounds during the first trimester). Your appetite will likely return soon, and you'll start to gain about a pound a week.
Posted in: on at at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Baby's Developement
Though he's barely the size of a kumquat — a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom — and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce, your baby has now completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature.He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin.In other developments: Your baby's limbs can bend now. His hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of his spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from his spinal cord. Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body. From crown to rump, he's about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, your baby will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches.
Mom's Developement
At your next prenatal visit, you may be able to hear your baby's rapid heartbeat with the help of a Doppler stethoscope, a handheld ultrasound device that your practitioner places on your belly. Many women say that the beating of their baby's tiny heart sounded like the thunder of galloping horses and hearing it for the first time was very moving.Before you got pregnant, your uterus was the size of a small pear. By this week, it's as big as a grapefruit. You may or may not be ready for maternity wear now. Even if you're not there yet, your regular clothes are probably feeling uncomfortably tight and your blossoming breasts are straining the seams of your bra. The thickening in your midsection is most likely due to slight weight gain and bloating. If you're between regular and maternity clothes, pants and skirts with forgiving elastic waistbands (or low-rise waistlines that sit below your belly) will provide some much-needed comfort.Depending on your level of fitness, you can most likely participate in a wide range of activities during pregnancy. Swimming and walking are excellent choices for the whole nine months. Exercise promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance — three qualities that can help you carry the weight you gain during pregnancy, prepare you for the physical stress of labor, and make it easier to get back into shape after your baby is born. (Unfortunately, there's no evidence that regular exercise shortens labor.)
Posted in: on Monday, June 29, 2009 at at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Baby's Development
Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.
Mom's Development
You still may not look pregnant even if your waist is thickening a bit. You probably feel pregnant, though. Not only are morning sickness and other physical symptoms out in full force for most women, but you may feel like an emotional pinball as well.Mood swings are common now — it's perfectly normal to feel alternately elated and terrified about becoming a parent. Try to cut yourself some slack. Most women find that moodiness flares up at around six to ten weeks, eases up in the second trimester, and then reappears as pregnancy winds to a close.
Posted in: on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Posted in: on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Posted in: on Monday, June 22, 2009 at at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Baby's Development
How your baby's growing:New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it.
Mom's Development
You may notice that your bra is getting more snug. Soon you'll likely need a larger size with better support. Rising levels of hormones cause breat gorwth and other tissue changes, all in preparation for lactation. Your breasts may continue to grow throughout pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you go up a cup size or two, especially if it's your first baby. Keep this in mind, and allow for room to grow when investing in a new bra.Feeling fatiuged Hormonal changes — in particular, a dramatic rise in progesterone — may be contributing to your sluggishness. Nausea and vomiting can certainly cost you energy, too. And you may be having trouble getting a good night's sleep at this point, especially if you're uncomfortable or find you need to get up to pee
Posted in: on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at at 1:04 PM 2 comments
Baby's Development:
The big news this week: Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities you're daydreaming about holding and tickling. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of her tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry.If you could see inside your womb, you'd spot eyelid folds partially covering her peepers, which already have some color, as well as the tip of her nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your baby's brain are growing, and her liver is churning out red blood cells until her bone marrow forms and takes over this role. She also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your baby's growing intestines is bulging into her umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from her tiny body.
Mom's Developement:
Your uterus has doubled in size in the past five weeks, and eating may feel like a chore — or worse — thanks to morning sickness, which by now may be in full swing. (If you're feeling fine, don't worry — you're lucky!)You may need to pee more than usual, too, thanks to your increasing blood volume and the extra fluid being processed through your kidneys. (By now, you already have about 10 percent more blood than you did before you were pregnant. And by the end of your pregnancy, you'll have 40 to 45 percent more blood running through your veins to meet the demands of your full-term baby.) As your uterus grows, pressure on your bladder will send you to the bathroom as well.About half of the women who feel nauseated during the first trimester will find complete relief by about 14 weeks. For most of the rest, it'll take another month or so for the queasiness to ease up. It's unlikely, though, that the need to pee more than usual will ease up. In fact, research shows that both the frequency and volume of urine tends to increase over the course of pregnancy.
Posted in: on Thursday, June 11, 2009 at at 10:18 AM 0 comments
This weekend was fun...but exhausting! Lets see who all went...it was Jewells, Walton, Lynsie, Caitlin, Sarah, Colette, and I. Seven girls...WHOA! We got to the hotel around 5:00, got settled into our rooms and went swimming. Well some of us went swimming, there was two who went in to their waists and decided to go in to the sauna. The pool water was so warm it felt so good to go swimming. I think little tadpole enjoyed very much! After swimming for an hour we went up and order Davani's Pizza. It was soooo Delicious! The other girls did some predrinking and we sat and talked and got ready till about 10:00. We then we out to Spin to go dancing and drinking, my specialty...fountain coke! and a bottle of water along with some scooby snacks! The dance floor was just so ridiculously crowded, you could barley move and people were shovey and there was always someone right next to you. I just wanted to dance with me girls, you know! We left around 1:30, went back to the hotel, i ate another slice of pizza and went to bed before 2:00!
The next morning we slept in till 9, got ready and then went to Perkins for breakfast, boy was the delicious! I love to go out fore breakfast! There is nothing like eggs, hash browns, toast, fruit, and pancakes to fill you up!
Over all it was an excellent weekend! I just don't think I will go again. If we do a game night for sure, but just not going out! I didn't like all the people and I missed Brad so much I could've cried myself to sleep. I guess my friends just lost their sober cab ;)
Posted in: on Monday, June 8, 2009 at at 10:58 AM 2 comments
Baby's Development...
This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil bean.
Did you know as early as pregnancy week 6 your baby's reflexes begin to develop and may even respond to touch? During this time the central nervous system in your baby is developing at a mind boggling pace, linking your baby's nerves and muscles to various body parts. Babies happily start swimming about and moving in fact very early on in pregnancy, though most first time moms will not recognize their baby's movements until roughly 20 weeks pregnant. Many second time moms however report feeling their baby's first fluttering as early as 13 weeks pregnant!
Mom's Development...
By six weeks pregnant you may have gained a pound or so. Most women will gain roughly 5 pounds during their first trimester of pregnancy, though some women will gain more and some women will gain less. Others gain no weight at all during their first trimester (largely due to terrible morning sickness) but make up for this much later in pregnancy. Don't fret if you do lose some weight during the first trimester. Chances are you and your baby will be just fine.
You may find yourself developing a bit of a split personality — feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Unsettling as this is (especially if you pride yourself on being in control), what you're going through is normal. Ricocheting emotions are caused partly by fluctuating hormones. But hormones aside, your life is about to change in a big way — and who wouldn't feel emotional about that?
Watch for week by week updates!
Posted in: on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at at 1:13 PM 1 comments
I read these in an email that I got and I have to agree with everyone of these statments
Posted in: on Friday, May 29, 2009 at at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Posted in: on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at at 10:54 AM 2 comments
So this past weekend Ricky and Ashley came over to our neck of the woods. I was so excited... I hadn't seen them since Halloween! I missed them both so much. They got a big ole hug from me when we parted for the night! We decided to go bowling on Saturday night, which was so much fun! Everyone got together around 9 and we bowled for 2 hours, and did I mention we drank too! It is always fun when you mix alcohol and bowling! Here are some pictures from the night! I must mention that most of the pictures were taken by Slim! Ricky right after getting a strike!
Posted in: on Monday, March 30, 2009 at at 10:44 AM 0 comments
This is my new baby and I love it! I haven't picked out a name for her yet though, but I will. She is a 2007 Dodge Nitro with only 27000 miles on her! She is red! Isn't she marvelous!
Posted in: on Monday, March 23, 2009 at at 1:14 PM 2 comments
I know that I am not the most diligent about keeping my blog updated. I don't have the Internet and that is the main reason why I don't blog as much as I should. The second reason is, I never know what to blog about. It always seems like everyone else has so much going on in their lives.
So...if you guys give me some ideas on what to blog about. Any topic, doesn't matter what. I will blog about. I will give my opinion on the subject and just pretty much randomly talk about it.
I am ready for the challenge my friends..... :)
Posted in: on Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at at 1:23 PM 4 comments
Sorry it has been so long. Jewells has been bugging me for weeks to write a new blog!
What is new in my life.........
Well race season starts in a couple of months so Brad is getting REALLY excited for that. He just bought a helmet of ebay. I am getting excited too, I guess! I enjoy going to the races, I just can't let Brad know how much! I like watching, being in the pits with everyone. It is just a good ole time.
My car has been acting funny lately. That is no good. I think Brad fixed most of the problems, thank god! Good thing I have a guy who knows a lot about cars. It still shakes in second gear though. We are going to take it in to get the transmission flushed out. Hopefully that will help, if not then we will probably look for another car because at the end of the year we were going to anyways and we don't want to pay out $2000 for a new transmission for a car we are going to sell anyways. I kind of don't want to get rid of it though. My parents paid for almost of the car. It is special to me. But all good things must come to an end!
Max is finishing up his hockey season. They took 2nd in their last tournament! GO HAWKS!!! I enjoy going to his games so much. He is such a good kid. He is in band and hockey and gets good grades and respects mom and dad and he is only eleven. I am so proud of him. I hope he knows that. I makes want to cry a happy cry when I think of how proud of him I am.
Other than that....nothing else is new with me. Till next time friends!
Posted in: on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Okay so I was suppose to get my monthly friend on Friday the 9Th, but I didn't. Not normal by any means...I get every 28 days, almost down to the hour. Let me rewind a little here....
I have been feeling like CRAP for the past two weeks or so. Nausea, extremely exhausted all the time, no amount of sleep would make me feel better, back aches, stomach crapping. Fun! Well all these things got me to thinking I was pregnant. By Wednesday my period hadn't come and I felt the worse yet. I went home an hour early and took a pregnancy test...negative...well that is okay maybe it was to early. Well Thursday morning was worst with nauseousness...crapping was bad, all over my abdomen...I got my period...big disappointment.
I was thinking to myself...shit this isn't normal...I know my body, it is never late unless something is wrong. I had a doctor appointment this morning. Told them everything that was going on and they wanted me to take pregnancy test...and I quote "it is going to come negative, i just took one" They insisted that I take one...shocker...negative...well I had Nurse Practitioner there so she gave a pelvic exam...
Cyst...again...she could feel it...I know my body... Well this is a huge disappointment, not that I am not pregnant, I know it will happen when it is right and all that other good stuff. Having my period come a week late is messing up when I ovulate. It is going to make it harder for me to get pregnant. And on top of it all, every time I think I am getting a cyst they want me to come in so they can keep track of how often I am getting. This isn't a normal thing to happen to the body. If I keep getting them they want to remove my ovary...MY OVARY...how in the hell is that going to help me get pregnant.
My silver lining....at least it is happening on the same ovary and since it is harder to figure out when you are ovulating, the doctor says it is a good idea to have sex everyday...Brad is a very lucky man...and that is what I told my doctor!
All I need is a little hope and prayer...I am very glad that I have god in my life.
Posted in: cyst on Friday, January 16, 2009 at at 10:44 AM 2 comments
Okay...so I haven't been the best at keeping up on my blog. I don't really have an excuse as to why, but I like to blame it on the fact that I don't have the internet at home! I know, no internet, what am I living in 1900's...it feels like it sometimes.
So this year I have actually made some goals for the year and not those impossible ones that everyone make and not to loose weight.
1. To make dinner more often for my husband. I am not the best at cooking, hamburger helper stumps me. I just can't seem to get it down! I made this goal because Brad does almost all the cooking. I don't think this is fair to him (even though he is better at it). He works hard, two jobs and making sure that are house stays warm. We have a wood stove and it is a lot of up keep. We started out with 14 cord and they are almost gone, so he is constently chopping wood whenver he has the spare time. He really is a great husband! Also I want to be the mom who cooks for my kids, does the bake sales. I WANT to be that mom!
2. To have sex more often...I know, OMG she is talking about sex for everyone to read. I am really really lazy. I would much rather go to bed than have sex. It is not that I don't enjoy sex, i do, and Brad is really selfless when it comes to sex. So I discussed this Brad and he agreed to doing more little things to put me in the mood...like candles or music or a note in my car. I really do think that he will do this and that it will help.
Now these may not seem like much for New Year's resolutions but I made them realistic and important to me, that way I stick to them. I love my husband more than he will ever know! He is a great provider for me!
Posted in: Goals, new year on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at at 10:33 AM 1 comments